Friday, September 23, 2011


Welcome to another blogtrain! The theme this time is fall and boy do we have so goodies for you! If you follow the blogtrain you will end up with 9 full kits and they all match!! You should have come from Melanie's blog and your next stop is Raoul's blog! So here's my part!
Links disabled

If you've got lost along the way... here's the full list of participants!

5. Patty <--- you are here

I hope you have a great time downloading and scrapping with are stuff! Stay tuned for the add-on!


  1. This is lovely - thanks so much!!! However, the elements link isn't working for me - instead it takes me to a preview of the kit.

  2. What a lovely kit - adorable owls! Thank you!

  3. Thank you for your part of this lovely blog train! I can't wait for it to cool down enough here in TX to ply with it! ;)

  4. THank you so much for sharing.LOVE IT!
